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News Archive: March 2012, November 2011, Apr 2011, January 2011, August 2010, April 2010
of Significant Cemeteries AGM and Conference 2008
In spite of receiving
no backing from the Capital of Culture Company, we have succeeded, with
the help of Wirral Council, in organising this conference.
The speaker programme will bring together many of the key players in the
UK voluntary sector, together with representatives from the professional
sector and English Heritage. The conference will be chaired by Dr Julie
Rugg, of York University's Cemetery Research Group. Dr Rugg acted as liaison
officer to the government on the 2004 Burial Law Reforms.
By bringing together best practice and establishing guidance for the future,
our hope is that the conference will produce lasting benefit to the UK
voluntary sector. We also hope to give delegates from the rest of Europe
an understanding of the particular problems that are encountered in UK
a PDF of the Conference Programme
a PDF of the Speaker Programme